3 Minimalist Methods to Make Your Website Stands Out




When you're running a business or store, it can be tempting to throw all your information, imagery and more out there onto the homepage. After all, it's the first thing your online visitors see and you want to get them interested in your products or services, and surely the best way is to show them everything you do?

That's not the case. Quite often, website visitors will end up leaving your site for one that's easier to navigate rather than trying to find the correct link. Here are some ways you can incorporate minimalism into your web design to make it more user-friendly and attractive to explore:

1. Invisible boxes

Think of your website in terms of invisible boxes; different sections that add up to one whole. These parts should incorporate a background, a header, a footer, and a body. Within the body, you should maintain a clear 'box' feel, focusing on the way in which you want to draw the customer's eye with the use of imagery and design elements. Start with beautiful imagery to draw the eye down then continue with some of your top facts and information about your business.


2. Focus on the highlights

Don't feel the need to cram everything into one page - just focus on the highlights. If there's a particular product you love or an article you want to highlight, make this the focal point of your front page, so your visitors know what is important to you. Include brief testimonials or reviews if you have them so your potential customers get an idea of how well your service and website are perceived by others when they first land on it.

3. Easy navigation

Visitors will very quickly lose interest if your site is not easy to navigate. Utilise drop-down menus instead of crowded navigation bars and highlight any particularly essential links that visitors will want to find quickly; this could be 'Sale' or 'Basket', or even just 'Contact Us'. Do something to set your top navigation items apart, whether it's a bolder text, different colour or background.

Want to refresh your website with a more minimalist feel? Your customers will thank youContact us today to find out more about how we can make your website a dream to use.