The Secrets Behind Success On Search Engines




A great website will help convert visitors to your site into customers, but to attract visitors, you need brilliant search engine optimisation. The competition for the top spots on all major search engines is very competitive. If you are positioned at the top of a results page, your business will be benefiting from exposure to millions of possible customers, who are interested in the products or services which your business specialises in. For such a competitive spot, the search engines use complicated algorithms to determine what order the websites should be listed. The more you understand about the criteria search engines set, the higher the chance you have of gaining the lucrative top spot. 


In the past the key to a great position was to include many keywords in the text, but today search engines look for much more. Instead of short keyword phrases, you need to be using long-tail keywords, which are more specific to the product or service you provide. All content should be created around these long keyword phrases, to boost your prominence. 


The websites with the best positions combine quality content together with usability. Your content should be informative, relevant and fresh, but most importantly your website should be easy to use and enjoyable. It can help to include content from a variety of other trusted sources, such as guest blogs. This unique content will link your website to other sites with high levels of authority, something that search engines value. 


In recent years the numbers of people searching through mobile devices has increased, so websites like Google have started to prioritise mobile friendly sites. If you spend time researching great content and establishing links to other sites, your website will not achieve its full potential unless it works on multiple screen sizes. 

In all of our website design projects, brilliant search engine optimisation is at the heart of everything we do. We will help devise content, links, pages, images and videos which will help you in your search for customers. If you would like more information about how our experienced designers help clients across the world, please contact us today.