No doubts you’ve seen a greater increase in the number of modern websites that are choosing to incorporate background videos into their landing pages. It’s no surprise as, if used correctly, these videos can be engaging, appealing, and serve to draw you into the company’s brand much faster than standard media.
If you are considering using videos in your web design, before getting started, check out these 4 top tips to make sure you do it properly
1. Consider using overlays
Overlays, used in the same way as for background images, can be great for hiding any imperfections in the video. If the quality isn’t the best, or you’re worried it’s too high quality and it will buffer, then an overlay serves to hide these flaws to the user. At the same time, an overlay can be used to great effect for the laying text on top of the video and to make the text easily readable.
2. Keep it subtle
Background videos are best used when they add tastefully to the website's design and don't serve to distract too much of the user’s attention. Therefore, it’s best to make sure that your video doesn’t contain too much excessive movement.
3. Compress the video
To help avoid buffering in the video, be sure to compress it as much as possible. Though you may be tempted to go for 1080p quality, the sad truth is that many devices will be unable to load it seamlessly and this will detract from the user experience. As a rule of thumb, somewhere around 720p with a frame rate of 24 or 25 frames per second should work well.
4. Limit the video length
The purpose of a background video isn’t to inform the user of everything on your site but is instead there to add to the design experience tastefully. So, choose a video that is maximum 40 seconds long, or instead go for a shorter video that loops continuously.
To help get the most out of your website, and to effectively incorporate background videos, it is often best to speak to professional designers - that’s where Orangesoft comes in. As one of Malaysia’s most highly regarded web design agencies, we are always looking for new projects to take on and we would love to hear from you.